Shaun Wei Wei headshot.jpg

Shan Weiwei

Graduated from the music department of Henan University, Shan Weiwei is National Second Class Performer of the China National Opera & Dance Drama Theatre. He is also a member of Chinese Musicians’ Association and China Nationalities Orchestra Society, a judge of Society Art Shuiping Kaoji Center, and a committee member of Youth Federation under the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China.

As a performer and producer, Shan keeps exploring the innovation and development of suona. He has formed a subtle, delicate and sincere style of performing. He also has mastered other instruments, for example, chuixi, kaxi, and koudi.

Either as the solo or the leading suona performer in the high and middle range, Shan has played countless pieces of music and has always been the centre of the orchestra. On behalf of China and The Chinese Orchestra of China National Opera & Dance Drama Threatre, he has performed in Germany, America, Austria, Korea, Japan, Netherlands, France, Luxemburg , Hong Kong, and Macau over the years. His performances in major music shows of China Central Television and the Ministry of Culture were highly appreciated. In 2008, he, as a contributor and a performer, participated in the first set of teaching materials of suona.