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Kimbra shares a playlist of the songs that shaped her fourth studio album, A Reckoning.
New Zealand singer-songwriter Kimbra has entered the latest chapter in her career success with the release of her latest album A Reckoning, a raw exploration of heartbreak and change that charts bold new sonic territory for the Grammy Award-winning tour de force.
Featuring brand-new singles ‘Save Me’ and ‘Replay,’ the ambitious album was produced in tandem with Son Lux’s Ryan Lott and pulls together a broad range of influences to bring to life Kimbra’s unique and eclectic musical vision. Below, Kimbra shares a selection of the tracks that shaped the intimately personal record.
Vox - I Hid In Him
This Vox track has an intimacy and minimalism to it that I wanted to capture on the ballads for my record. It’s melancholy but somehow hopeful. I also love how up-front, eerie and exposed the vocals are, it has such an intimacy to it, like someone is standing really close to your ear.
They Say I’m Different - Betty Davis
This track speaks to a swagger that I wanted to channel in some of the more R&B, soul tracks on the record like LA Type and GLT. It’s an energy thing, she has so much attitude and I reference this track a lot when I’m thinking about capturing a certain confidence.
Blood On The Leaves – Kanye West
'Blood On The Leaves' is a great example of bold decision-making in a record. The big scene changes feel so deliberate and unafraid. It also demonstrates a wide range of dynamics and interesting twists and turns which is something I wanted to capture on the songs for my album.
Sober - Childish Gambino
'Sober' is such an amazing tune and it’s just the kind of off-kilter pop I love. There’s a bit of a wonkiness and playfulness while also being tough and punchy. I especially love the toy-like keyboards and the crazy flip at the end that you don’t see coming.
Idioteque – Radiohead
'Idioteque' speaks to a juxtaposition I like which is hard beats set against melancholy chords. This is especially evident on my song Replay which was inspired by this kind of approach. I love when something feels dark and mysterious while also making your body move.